... at the Palácio SottoMayor and kindly organized by PwC & Dutch Portuguese Chamber of Commerce.
We had a pleasant and productive breakfast meeting, consisting of a selected group of members and people of the Dutch Portuguese Chamber of Commerce network, with an interest in Energy. Next to representatives of the corporate world (both multionationals and startups), we also could count on political and public sector influencers. We kindly thank PwC for hosting the breakfast in the beautiful Palácio SottoMayor. We were honoured that Ambassador Nienke Trooster decided to join the discussion, which - as aimed for - discussed many aspects of disruption and forms of use, distribution, storage and commercialization of energy.
Whereas for households it is important to save and to switch to renewable energy, the industry is actively seeking for ways to reduce its CO2 footprint and costs. Start-ups in the sector try to provide for solutions and it was felt by all attendees that it is important to ensure awareness and support among the general public to ensure that future climate goals can be reached.
Renewable forms of energy and more powerful batteries make it possible for people to reduce their energy bill, which is important especially in Western countries where the use of energy is much more intense than in many other countries in the world. E.g. Indian households spent on average a number of kWh that is comparable to 2-weeks energy usage by a household in Portugal.
Time was short and much left for future discussions, but it was interesting to see the exchange of knowledge and contacts. We hope this may contribute to further future collaboration between those who were present. Thanks also to our member Pieter Ijzerman of ChaZeMo, who provided for an inspiring moderation session.
You can read the original article at the website of the Chambers here